“I’d encourage them to understand what their main motivator is and to remind themselves of it,” says Martina Helmy sharing her story to encourage those who want to be vegan but have yet to take the step.


Martina never planned to be vegan from the first places until one day, during fasting she came across a video of a pet duck that was provided with toys, a pond and a home. This video got her emotional which stuck with her for a while…when it was time to eat her mom cooked duck for celebration. 


“I just remembered the video I watched on the dinner table and I couldn’t bring myself to eat it,” Helmy explains. “I realized how differently these two ducks experienced life and how one was shown love and the other was only exposed to pain.” 


From there Martina started her research on vegetarian and veganism. She decided to become vegetarian for three months until she finds alternatives and substitutes for vegan food and life products then transition to veganism. Martina chose veganism to end animal cruelty and anything that supports such act, that’s her motive that keeps her going till this day. 

“Animals don’t look like animals when we eat them, but ever since that day, I started connecting the dots. I saw meat for what it really is.” says Helmy.

She never thought of going back, sometimes she misses certain food but that doesn’t affect her and tries to find a way to have vegan alternatives of what she misses. Family opinion and lack of options are some difficulties she faces but her motivation keeps her grounded. 

She encourages anyone who want to take this road to find their main motivation, to remind themselves of it, to start slow, look for alternatives and not to be very hard on ones’ self. It’s ok to fall back sometimes no one can be 100% vegan and that is okay till you find your path.

Find Your Motive.



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